Dalmax Flip-Stones is a strategy board game for two players. Players take turns placing disks (Black for the first player and White for the second) on the board. At every move, all opponent\s disks that are in a straight line and bounded by the just placed player\s disk and another player disk change their color. Only the squares that allow reversing at least one opponent disk are legal moves, if no legal moves are present current player pass the turn. If both player cannot move, the game is finished. The Goal is to have more disks of your color when the last playable square is filled. The game supports playing with multiple board sizes: - 10x10 - 8x8 (the official one) - 6x6 - 4x4 You can play in single player mode against the computer, in two players mode against your friend on the same device or in two player mode against your friends via bluetooth.