OLX - Jual beli mobil, motor, dan rumah online 14.26.006
About this app:
OLX is the perfect online marketplace to buy and sell locally! No need to visit the flea market to find the best deals on pre-owned items! Here youâll find also a wide selection of new products, from dream cars, bikes, sport & hobbies stuffs, household appliances, electronics and gadgets and lovely properties to buy or rent!
Over 30 million downloads and 3 million listings is aired and always expanding. Here's why millions of people are buying and selling on OLX:
SMART DE AL EXPERIENCE Get smarter deal experience with more choice of categories in a more cutting-edge mobile app. Discover any products in an easier way!
LIST ANYTHING EASIER IN SECONDS List your ads only within seconds to attract more potential customers.
SIMPLER TO DISCOVER THINGS Whatever youâre looking for, discover it in simpler and smart process. Here are some of the awesome things you can do with the OLX app:
- Sell your unwanted items quickly, straight from your phone. - Find verified sellers in your neighborhood and get to discover best deals. - Chat with sellers directly to negotiate your deals even at the convenience of your home. - Get personalized alerts and recommendations based on your interests.
Discover well-known brand choices in various popular categories like smartphones, cars, bikes, electronics & gadgets, and complete choices of properties. Time to change your favorite brand phone? Or finding that lovely sedan? Or getting your ideal homes? You can do everything in OLX in a new simpler, easier, and smarter way.
We have worked hard to give you the best buying and selling app. If you have any suggestions or feedback, we would love to hear from you!
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