Flashcards - Study, Memorize & Prepare for exams 2.449
About this app:
Encance your studies with flashcards, easily create study sets, and share them with friends, has different practice modes to study. Works fully offline.
The app offers the following features:
âSTUDY FLASHCARDS. Easily create and manage your cards, with only two clicks, you can add a new card to your set. âLANGUAGE LEARNING It helps you with improving your language learning experience by allowing you to add different words you want to memorize in an y language. âSPACED REPETITION. Only study the cards that you are about to forget; that way, your studying will be more focused on the cards you need to learn. âSTUDY ANY SBJECT. Create an unlimited amount of study sets for any subject, from languages to geography. âSHARE SETS. Create a temporary link to a set and share it with your friends. âPREPARE FOR EXAMS. The different study modes will make your studying fun and entertaining. âIMPORT CSV. If you already have a CSV file with some cards, you can easily import it into the app. âTEST MODE. Use different review modes to keep you engaged while studying, which include a writing review, memory games, and an audio player to listen to your cards in the background. âWORKS OFFLINE. You can enjoy the app even if you don't have an internet connection, and it is only required if you want to sync your data across multiple devices. âADVANCED DECK MANAGMENT. Be able to move cards between decks, merge decks, have your created data synced across multiple devices. âMEMORY GAMES. Try out the memory games for studying in a more engaged and fun way, and they will keep you hooked up for a long time. âVOCABULARY BUILDER. Improve your vocabulary, build it up by learning a few words each day using this app.
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