BARCODE SCAN: Barcode Performs a data matrix scan. If the barcode is found, the product status is displayed. If the product found is not already registered, the barcode insertion screen opens.
ADDING BARCODES: -Add the first product with barcode QR code code. -Increasing the picture brings the picture of the product from the camera to the gallery. - Close-up when pressed on the picture. - Product quantity and category entry -Enaz product name, decreasing product pa rt informs. -Resume: contains the image information at the list. -Record: save all properties of the product when logged in. -Different recording: used for recording similar product.
BARCODE are: Properties list of products. Editing the selected product.
SEARCH: Search the product in the selected database. Search the product in the selected category. Inventory status when the selected product is selected. Feature editing when the selected product is selected
PRODUCT STOCK: -Bar Code are: Indicates products on the list, Retrieves the stock information of the selected product. -ürünüget: According to the selected barcode number Brings the product in the list. Inserts A-Out Add new arrivals to the selected product Removing departures from the selected product Register the transaction with the description made. -Date excel Do not print all transactions in excel to that date. -List Bottom shows all products in the list The subprocess excel exports the operations that appear The selected product on the list is listed with ID number. Selected product Sub-work. With excel key Excell is output with ID no.
EXCEL INPUT OUTPUT The products in the database are exported as ecxel with the given name. Loads the excel file externally into the database. The status part indicates that the excel file has been loaded into the SDCARD directory.
LOW PRODUCTS -It lists the products that are about to be sold. -Sets the stock information of the selected product.
BACKUP DATABASE Database consists of two parts as products (ProductDB) and transactions (KalanDB). -Delete product DB It deletes the database where the products are located. Delete deleted DB The product deletes the database of the stock transaction records. -Db backup Backs up the database of products. Load -Db Loads the products database (deletes first) -Kaldbyedek The product backs up the inventory processes. -Kaldbyükl to Loads the product stock information (deletion is done first)... Read more