Sticker Lock - Lock and unlock with sticker touch 1.20
About this app:
New concept lock screen to set the password and unlock the mobile phone by touching the specific position of the sticker attached to the screen of the mobile phone
Touch the sticker to unlock it quickly and conveniently!! ⶠEasily set "Touch Password" by touching a specific position on the sticker. ⶠUnlike conventional passwords, because it uses a sticker image to unlock, it is convenient and fun.
lor="#af0309">Apps that look behind a transparent Sticker lock!! You can decorate your screen with a unique sticker. In addition, if you touch a few times lightly unlock immediately!
ⶠStickers behind me, I can see the apps on my cell phone screen as they are, but the better thing is that security is already set up so others can not run these apps! ⶠWhen sticker lock is set, not only can not operate the application, but others can not use phone, message or SNS.
Sticker lock that is more convenient than pattern, stronger than password The sticker lock is a new security device that is totally different from the conventional lock screen, which is only opens when sliding.
ⶠThere's no need to set passwords or patterns for images separately, just like existing lock screens. "setting a sticker and touching it" This is because it is a strong password. ⶠBecause there are no numbers, buttons, or patterns on the sticker, it prevents hacking and guessing, and It does not make my favorite image look awkward.
Sticker lock is different from fingerprints that cannot be used with wet hands. ⶠUnlike fingerprints that cannot be used on rainy days or on watery hands, there is no inconvenience. ⶠUnlike fingerprints that are unprotected when drunk or sleeping, "sticker lock" is strong against security. I can't know my password unless I open my head. This is because it is a knowledge-based password using graphics. ⶠMy cell phone is full of financial and personal information. Secure sticker lock protects you.
Simply touch your sticker to set your own "touch password". Sticker lock without mobile phone discrimination^^;; ⶠUnlike passwords and patterns, which require everyone to use the same button, the location of the password varies from user to user, as it sets the touch password anywhere I think it is. Because of this, password guessing is difficult and security is strong. ⶠUnlike iris recognition and facial recognition, this new security technology, which is simple and powerful, can be used for everything from low-end to old-fashioned mobile phones.
"Sticker lock" more convenient, cell phone security more powerful If you set "Touch Password" to one position on the sticker, it is much faster and convenient than the pattern when you open the cell phone quickly.
ⶠThere is a difference in security level from pattern passwords, which are vulnerable to security due to pattern marks and surrounding exposures.
But security is strong. This is because sticker lock is the only way to prevent exposure. ⶠWhen using the sticker lock's touch password, there is a technique that prevents others from finding out what is the real "touch password". This is also a patented technology.
â»Graphic authentication technology of "sticker lock", touch password and random password system are patents protected technology. Therefore, unauthorized copying or modification without written permission is not possible. [ Patents ] - Graphical image user authentication and supplementary service providing system - User authentication using password containing random key - Image sliding password system - Character password system - User authentication system using junk data... Read more