Kithaabul Muqaddhas – Dhivehi 3.3

Kithaabul Muqaddhas – Dhivehi 3.3

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A translation of holy writings from the Tawrat (ތައުރާތު), Zabur (ޒަބޫރު), Anbiya (ސަޙާއިފް އޭ އަންބިއާ) & Injeel (އިންޖީލު) is now available in Dhivehi (ދިވެހި ބަސް), the national language of the Republic of Maldives. The book of Genesis (ފެށުން) begins with the story of Adam (އާދަމްގެފާނު) & Eve (ޙައްވާގެފާނު) and how they went from a time of innocence when they were “naked and not ashamed” (އޮރިޔާން) to being disobedient to God and cut off from his presence. That tragic condition now affects the entire human race. But God still loves us all. In this Dhivehi translation, you can read about how God showed his love to Noah (ނޫޙުގެފާނު), Abraham (އިބްރާހީމުގެފާނު) & Sarah (ސާރާ), Ishmael (އިސްމާޢީލްގެފާނު), Isaac (އިސްޙާޤުގެފާނު) and his descendants. The story of Moses and how God rescued his people from Egypt is found in Exodus (ނެރުއްވުން). There is a love story in the book of Ruth (ރާޢޫތު). King David’s (ދާއޫދުގެފާނު) story is found in 1 & 2 Samuel (1 & 2 ޞަމޫއީލް). The wise words of King Solomon (ސުލައިމާނުގެފާނު) in Proverbs (ހަރުބަސްތައް) give divine guidance for every-day life. For Dhivehin (ދިވެހިން), the amazing sea adventure of Jonah (ޔޫނާސްގެފާނު) is of special interest. God’s love is most fully expressed in the life and teachings of Jesus (އީސާގެފާނު) as recorded by Matthew (މައްތާ), Mark (މަރުކުސް), Luke (ލޫކާސް) and John (ޔުޙަންނާ). Find out about early followers of Jesus in the Acts of the Apostles (މަންދޫބުންގެ މަސައްކަތް). The Good News (ހެޔޮޚަބަރުފުޅު) about Jesus spread throughout the ancient Roman Empire, and believers needed guidance in how to follow Jesus together. Apostles gave this guidance through their letters. In the letter to the Galatians (ގަލާތިޔާގެ މަސީޙީންނަށް ސިޓީ) we find out what true freedom is. Ephesians (އެފޭސުސްގެ މަސީޙީންނަށް ސިޓީ) teaches us how to defeat Satan (ޝައިތާނާ). Philippians (ފިލިއްޕީގެ މަސީޙީންނަށް ސިޓީ) tells us what our goal needs to be to have true joy. James describes true religion (ސައްޙަ ދީން) in his letter (ޔާމިޒުގެ ސިޓީ). Instructions for leaders are given in various letters (ތިމޮތީއަށާއި ތީތުސްއަށް ސިޓީތަކެއް). How does the ministry of Jesus (އީސާގެފާނު) relate to that of Moses (މޫސާގެފާނު )? Is Jesus just a prophet? Find out more in the letter to the Hebrews (ޢިބްރާނީންނަށް ސިޓީ). In his first letter, Peter (ޕަތަރަސްގެ ފުރަތަމަ ސިޓީ) teaches believers to expect ridicule, suffering, and other types of persecution, and also how to respond by trusting God and doing good to all. In Peter’s second letter (ޕަތަރަސްގެ ދެވަނަ ސިޓީ), he warns us about false prophets (ދޮގު ރަސޫލުން) and describes how this world will end on Judgment Day (ޤިޔާމަތްދުވަސް). We need to be prepared for Jesus's soon return. The letters of First Thessalonians (ތިސިލޯނިޔާގެ މަސީޙީންނަށް ފަރަތަމަ ސިޓީ), 1,2,3 John ( ޔޫޙަންނާގެ 1,2,3 ސިޓީ), and Jude (ޔަހޫ‏ޛާގެ ސިޓީ) will tell you how. Revelation (އީސާއަލްމަސީޙުގެ ހާމަކޮށްދެއްވުންތަކެއް) tells of Satan's final defeat, Judgment Day, and the New Heaven and the New Earth. Dhivehi translations of other holy writings from the Tawrat (ތައުރާތު), Zabur (ޒަބޫރު), Anbiya (ސަޙާއިފް އޭ އަންބިއާ) & Injeel (އިންޖީލު) are planned to be released in the future. This app contains an embedded Thaana font, so that even on older versions of Android it will display properly. You may also install our Faseyha Dhivehi keyboard to search for words in the text or to make study notes. Users also have the option to choose either English or Dhivehi (ދިވެހިބަސް ) as the interface language, and the app features a right-to-left orientation that is consistent with Thaana (ތާނަ). Audio narrations are available for several books, either by streaming or offline. Please provide feedback and bug reports to: [email protected]. (Confidentiality will be respected.) We want to make this Dhivehi translation of the Kithaabul Muqaddhas to be as clear, accurate and natural as possible....
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App Information

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3.3 00-
5.02024-06-12146095Dhivehi Media Group LLC
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