FiLMiC FirstÂlight is a revÂoÂluÂtionÂary phoÂto camÂera from the makÂers of the class leadÂing FiLMiC Pro cineÂma video camÂera that makes live phoÂtogÂraÂphy fun and creÂative.
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ReÂdisÂcovÂer the joy of capÂturÂing lifeâs moÂments in phoÂtographs you will imÂmeÂdiÂateÂly treaÂsure and want to share.
FirstÂlight comÂbines cusÂtom film simÂuÂlaÂtions, ada pÂtive film grain and FiLMiC Proâs faÂmous live anÂaÂlytÂics to ofÂfer an adÂvanced but apÂproachÂable front end camÂera exÂpeÂriÂence like no othÂer.
Fast, easy and inÂtuÂitive, FirstÂlight lets you enÂviÂsion and capÂture your best moÂments in camÂera, withÂout havÂing to spend hours editÂing your phoÂtos latÂer. Shoot and share, itâs that easy.
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- Fast, inÂtuÂitive foÂcus and exÂpoÂsure conÂtrols: Tap the screen to set foÂcus/exÂpoÂsure, tap again to lock - AE Mode: InÂcludÂed is our proÂpriÂetary Auto ExÂpoÂsure mode for setÂting shutÂter/iso comÂbiÂnaÂtion - Cross-swipe manÂuÂal conÂtrols: The most inÂtuÂitive way to manÂuÂalÂly adÂjust foÂcus and exÂpoÂsure. Swipe across the imÂage to dial in your perÂfect shot. Swipe up and down to adÂjust exÂpoÂsure. Swipe left and right to adÂjust foÂcus. - ReÂacÂtive anÂaÂlytÂics: A founÂdaÂtion feaÂture of FiLMiC Pro and now in a phoÂto app. ManÂuÂalÂly adÂjustÂing your foÂcus and exÂpoÂsure will auÂtoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly apÂply foÂcus peakÂing or zeÂbra stripes to make sure you get your shot just right. - RGB HisÂtogram: DyÂnamÂiÂcalÂly shows the exÂpoÂsure proÂfile of the imÂage across all colÂor chanÂnels.
- VinÂtage film simÂuÂlaÂtions: The magic of FirstÂlight is in our reÂalÂisÂtic tribÂutes to auÂthenÂtic film stocks. A range of film simÂuÂlaÂtions are inÂcludÂed for free with the app. - Film grain: ApÂply natÂurÂal lookÂing film grain efÂfects to give your phoÂtos that âfilm lookâ. MediÂum grain is inÂcludÂed as a free opÂtion. - ViÂgnette: ApÂply a subÂtle dark viÂgnette to your imÂage. MediÂum viÂgnette is inÂcludÂed as a free opÂtion. - Lens seÂlecÂtor: QuickÂly switch beÂtween all availÂable lensÂes on your deÂvice. (Note: camera/lens support is device specific).
- Burst mode - Timer - Flash - Grid overÂlays - AsÂpect raÂtios: 4:3, 16:9, 3:2, 1:1, 5:4 - JPG or HEIC SeÂlecÂtion - HDR conÂtrol (on supported devices only) - VolÂume butÂton shutÂter and supÂport for most blueÂtooth camÂera shutÂter reÂmotes - FiLMiC Pro quick launch butÂton (for ownÂers of FiLMiC Pro)
FIRSTÂLIGHT PREÂMIÂUM (with in-app purchase)
UpÂgrade to unÂlock the full poÂtenÂtial of FirstÂlight with the folÂlowÂing caÂpaÂbilÂiÂties: - ShutÂter and ISO priÂorÂiÂty modes: In adÂdiÂtion to AE you can set speÂcifÂic ShutÂter Speed or ISO valÂues to adÂhere to and let the app auÂtoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly adÂjust exÂpoÂsure for the unÂlocked valÂue. - ExÂpandÂed film simÂuÂlaÂtion opÂtions: More reÂalÂisÂtic film simÂuÂlaÂtions and more to be added in the fuÂture for paid subÂscribers. - Film grain: Fine, coarse and ISO adapÂtive opÂtions in adÂdiÂtion to mediÂum - AdÂjustable viÂgnette: Low and heavy opÂtions in adÂdiÂtion to mediÂum. - ConÂfigÂurable burst mode - AnamorÂphic adapter supÂport - RAW: DNG and TIFF forÂmats - CusÂtom FuncÂtion butÂton - CusÂtom live anÂaÂlytÂics - ConÂfigÂurable FoÂcus and ExÂpoÂsure conÂtrols - Embedded copyright... Read more