LunaSolCal Mobile

LunaSolCal Mobile APK

Description of LunaSolCal Mobile Varies with device:

A smarter way to watch the sun and moon.
Quickly calculate sun and moon activity.

* Calculates the following data:
- Sunrise
- Solar noon
- Sunset
- Twilight times
- Equation of time
- Declination
- Azimuth of sunrise and sunset
- Altitude of sun at noon
- Moon rise
- Moon transit
- Moon set
- Declination
- Azimuth of moon rise and moon set
- Altitude of moon during transit
- Date of next new/full moon
- Sun Path during the day
- Moon Path during the day
- Solstice and Equinox dates

* Specify a location by :
- GPS receiver
- list of more than 30000 cities
- WGS-84 coordinates

* Any date between 01/01/1901 and 01/31/2099 can be selected

* Special layout for tablet devices (8-inch and larger)

* Information can be shared on Twitter and Facebook

Please note that the accuracy of the calculations decreases for locations north of 65N and south of 65S

App Information

VersionRatingAPP VoteSize
Varies with device 4.87170-
-November 22, 2021500,000+Volker Voecking Software Engineering
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