Developer: Consorzio unico campania
Category: Maps and navigation
Unico SMS Ticket is the application of the Unico Campania Consortium useful for remembering the validity of your season ticket on a card cless, always being updated on the tariff structure of public transport in the region and purchasing and validating via SMS the following tickets: - ANM Napoli one way ticket - EAV bus one way ticket Ischia, Procida, Pompei, Sorrento. - EAV railway Napoli one way ticket - SITASUD Salerno and AC1-AC2-AC3 one way ticket. The available features are: - Card info to memorize the validity of your season ticket on a cless card - Consult the rates for public transport to and from the Campania region. - Purchase travel tickets via SMS. - View the stores located on the Campania region on the map. - Calculate a route to reach a destination by public transport (through the Gira Napoli app). - Consult the offline maps of public transport in the metropolitan area of Naples The Companies of the Consortium are: - AIR MOBILITA’ - ANM - AUTOLINEE CURCIO - AUTOLINEE EREDI ARTUTO LAMANNA - AUTOLINEE SCAI - BUSITALIA CAMPANIA - CLP - CONSORZIO CIAV - CONSORZIO COSAT - CTP - DAV - EAV - ETTORE CURCIO & FIGLI - FRANCESCO & GIUSEPPE MANSI - SITASUD - TRENITALIA - TROTTA BUS SERVICES