CountryPedia has the latest data which is updated every month! CountryPedia Lists all the countries including independent territories with details like: - Flag - Continent - Region - Capital City - Demonym - Area - Population - Latitude and Longitude - Currency - Time Zones - Language - Native Name - Median Age - Population Growth - Population Density - Birth Rate - Death Rate - Migration - Life Expectancy - Literacy Rate - Sex Ratio - Social Progress Index - Human Development Index, HDI annual growth rate - Imports - Exports - Trade - Foreign Exchange - Gini - GDP - GDP PPP - Regional Bloc (Memberships) - Neighboring Countries - Highest Point - Lowest Point - Irrigated Water - Water Area - Land Area - Forest Area - Coastline - Formation Date - Information about Constitution, when was it ratified, and word count - National Anthem, Date Adopted, Lyricist, Composer - Calling Codes - Top level Domains - etc. Territories include additional data: - Territory Type - Sovereign State Additional Features: * Advanced Search - Search Countries by Name, Capital, Official Name Search Continents And search by Ranking and Filter Fields * Locate any Country on Map * Find any Country on Map * Star Countries to easily find later * Visit Countries and Continents Wikipedia Page * Compare all the Countries with fields like: Area, Population and many more! * List Countries based on Time Zones, Currencies, Languages etc. * Dark Mode
- 2021-04-19Update date
- Android Supported4.1
About CountryPedia 3.2.4
What's New in the Latest Version 3.2.4
Last updated on 2021-04-19
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Same like CountryPedia 3.2.4
Sikh World - Nitnem & Gurbani 29.2
Ayah : quran - athkar - athan
Google Play Livres
StoryShots: Book Summaries 2.9.83
Die Losungen 3.1.5
Buddhist Prayer CSTPrayerbook 1.0.1
Class 8 NCERT Books 9.00
Anglais-Tagalog Dictionnaire 3.2.9
Wörterbuch Englisch – Deutsch 11.0.7
InstaGuruji - Sandesh Kulkarni 52.0.0
Sikh World - Nitnem & Gurbani 29.2
Ayah : quran - athkar - athan
Google Play Livres
StoryShots: Book Summaries 2.9.83
Die Losungen 3.1.5
Buddhist Prayer CSTPrayerbook 1.0.1
Class 8 NCERT Books 9.00
Anglais-Tagalog Dictionnaire 3.2.9
Wörterbuch Englisch – Deutsch 11.0.7
InstaGuruji - Sandesh Kulkarni 52.0.0