

About this app:

In this book you can find everything about coffee:

- The history of its discovery and dissemination;
- Features of growth;
- Production of coffee;
- Description of the species and varieties;
- Methods and subtleties of winemaking;
- And other useful information.

After reading the book you will learn:

- Interesting facts , anecdotes;
- The impact on the health drink;
- Secrets use coffee;
- A great variety of different recipes from around the world.
This book is for anyone who loves coffee.

All who prefer other drinks coffee, one way or another in the activity associated with coffee, will find the book interesting and useful.

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App Information

VersionRatingAPP VoteSize
2.0.2 003.4M
2.1 and upApril 29, 20141,000+Михаил Пичугин
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