StretchSense WiFi Bridge 1.0.19

StretchSense WiFi Bridge 1.0.19

About this app:

StretchSense is a global leader in motion capture gloves. This app is for use with StretchSense MoCap Pro SuperSplay and Fidelity gloves only. If you don’t currently have gloves, please visit our website to find out more ( The StretchSense WiFi Bridge app extends the wireless range of your MoCap Pro SuperSplay and Fidelity gloves by allowing you to use a mobile device to stream live data to Hand Engine over WiFi. With your gloves connected to the app on your phone vi a Bluetooth, raw data is live streamed from the app using UDP via WiFi to Hand Engine on your PC. The application is designed to run on an Android Phone that the performer is carrying on their person. Features on the StretchSense WiFi Link: 1. Improved UX and UI 2. Ability to define the IP address of the machine hosting Hand Engine 3. Ability to define the UDP Port Address 4. Data visualization as either a line or bar graph Requirements: 1. StretchSense MoCap Pro SuperSplay or Fidelity Gloves 2. StretchSense Hand Engine 1.3.0 or higher: Login to your account page on or email [email protected] for details 3. WiFi Router. We recommend connecting your router to your PC via a USB-Ethernet adapter (optional). 4. Android Phone with Bluetooth 5.0 and Android 9.0 or above is recommended Change log for StretchSense WiFi Bridge v1.19 - Updated how reconnections are managed (should not timeout) - Fixed bug when one device disconnected write commands would not work - Added priority to write operations (will run before heartbeat read requests) - Allows the user to toggle through the order of the gloves after connection. For two gloves a user can swap the order left to right, but if they have more than 2 devices connected to a phone (which we do not recommend) it just steps through (i.e. for 3 gloves the gloves reorder 1->2, 2->3, 3->1). Additional Resources: For more information check out our How to Setup a WiFi bridge using an Android Phone (DOC-5030): Or contact us at: [email protected] for sales enquiries [email protected] for support enquiries PLEASE NOTE: This app is not compatible with legacy StretchSense Sensor Development Kit...
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App Information

VersionRatingAPP VoteApp Id
1.0.19 00com.stretchsense.smartapp
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