Canteen 8

Canteen 8

About this app:

The “ID GAMES” project is based on the belief that each person should be given the chance to be accepted, valued and have equal opportunities to develop their skills and personality. “ID GAMES” aims to: -Promote social inclusion of pwID by invlolving them in participatory game design workshop -Design serious games that empower various types of skills of pwID -Advance the skills of trainers, educators, caregivers, healthcare and other relevant professionals addressing pwID -E mpower the organizations working with pwID or advocate the rights of pwID The game "Canteen" is one of the 6 serious games we developed through the ID GAMES project. The game was created as an idea during the co-creation game workshops and selected by the partners to be developed further. Its main objectives are: -Strengthen the skills of people with intellectual disability in following recipies and cook simple snacks and dishes -Promote the inclusion of people with intellectual disability in every day care and activities -Empower employability of people with intellectual dissabilities. This project has been funded with the Support from the European Commission. This product reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2019-1-EL01-KA204-062517...
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App Information

VersionRatingAPP VoteApp Id
8 00com.Challedu.Canteen
4.42022-07-051068Challedu- inclusion | games | education
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